Briefly outline and discuss some users and uses of Archival Materials.

An archive may refer to i)those records that are deemed to be of continuing
and/or permanent value; ii) an organization (or part of an organization)
responsible for administering records; and iii) a physical location/place where
such records are deposited and taken care of. Archival material in this context
refers to archives. Peter Van Garderen however describes archival materials as
“information objects that serve as evidence of past events/activities, acting as
memory aids that allow users to recall, relive or re-communicate information
about those events in the future”. Archives are created by many different
groups such as schools, businesses and industry, government departments,
churches etc. just as there many different groups that create records that end
up as archives, there are many different groups that use such archival
materials. Users of archival materials include scholars, historians, authors and
filmmakers, environmentalists, researchers, genealogists, archaeologists,
veterans, educators and students, architects, and staff of organizations. The
uses of archives are even more profound because of the various reasons for
which they are used. These are discussed while discussing the users of archival


Genealogy describes the study or investigation of ancestry and family history.
One place to find a wealth of information on genealogy is in archival materials.
By going through census records, genealogists are able to learn people’s
names, their addresses, ages and so on. For people living especially in the US,
archived travel logs is a good way for them to trace their ancestry by
determining when their ancestors first landed on her shores as well as from
whence they came. In some religious observances such as baptism for the dead
as practiced by Mormons, family records are requested and archives become
the go-to place to find such information. Note however that, genealogy through
records only works where there are in fact, preserved records, whether
through written or audio-visual means. Most Africans may be restricted in this
regard since writing was not commonplace for a very long time.
Notwithstanding, archives are an important source of information for
genealogy related work.

Staff of organizations access organizational archives that have been preserved
in order to understand the organization’s history, to say, better understand
current and past policies, as well as help make future decisions. The archives
document infrastructure, legal issues, fiscal reports, development, general
administration and institutional memory. additionally, archived records of
potential and/or existing employees can be accessed in order to make
decisions in their regard. Here, academic, bank, citizenship, travel, criminal etc.
records can be used. Archives thus help solve problems and prevent problems
from becoming reoccurring events.

Historians are heavily reliant on archives in their attempt to understand and
reconstruct the events of the past. Since they cannot always question the
witness accounts at the time, archives provide the only source of evidence that
can be used. This is very important to historians because, the best source of
information for learning about the past is found in primary sources and archival
materials boast of this type of information. The diary of Anne Frank for example,
gives a detailed account of a Jewish girl’s life during the Nazi regime and has
enabled the world understand the effects of the Nazi crimes at an interpersonal


The nature of scholarly work is such that, new knowledge is simply a better
understanding or revision of existing knowledge. In order to do this, scholars
need to survey a large body of work to gain insight into prevailing or archaic
ideas, as well as to get inspiration for new ones. Scholars visit archives to read
academic papers, research findings, dissertations and so on. Scholars also
often enter an archive seeking an individual item or collection that might be
cited in another scholarly work, to facilitate some scholarly enterprise that he
or she might be pursuing. Not all academic research is conducted by
experienced scholars. Students are also in the business of gathering
information from archival materials. Students working on a graduate
dissertation or an undergraduate long essay may approach the archives for
information they otherwise will not find in the library, or much like with scholars,
to find an item cited in some scholarly work.

Authors and filmmakers resort to archival materials in order to better
understand and familiarize with the people and settings about which they are
writing/filming. The popular Tom Hanks movie, Forrest Gump for example, used
stock/archival footage modified with CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) to
portray him meeting historic figures such as John F. Kennedy and John Lenon.
The Ghanaian filmmaker, John Akomfrah almost completely relies on archival
footage for all his films and documentaries (Ideas Tap). Archives are also an
invaluable resource for gathering information for biographies. Japanese
storytelling for example is replete with historical references and legends that
have all been archived. Take the manga genre of literature in Japan for example,
that extensively features references to Japan’s history as well as myths and
legends. Archives would have been consulted to better understand such
information and thus, better write stories and make films.

Architects and archaeologists consult archives to help in decision making.
Architects consult archives especially in restoration works on old buildings, as
well as inspiring new designs that borrow elements from the past.
Archaeologists in doing their work also rely on maps and related information to
help locate the remains of buildings and lost landmarks to help plan

In settling disputes in court, the judge and jury rely on substantial evidence to
adjudicate cases such as land disputes, inheritance disputes and so on. The
best way to gather such evidence is from archival materials. Archival materials
also play an indispensable role when holding governments and its departments
and agencies accountable for their actions.
In short, archival materials can be used by everyone for numerous reasons.
Some of the users of archival materials have been discussed above. A summary
of the uses of such materials (PRONI) to them and anyone are:

i. to learn about the past (historians, genealogy)
ii. to help us understand who we are and our evolution (society, literature)
iii. for purposes of evidence (dispute resolution)
iv. education and learning (scholarly and research work)
v. personal reasons (genealogy)
vi. accountable governance (to promote stability)


Archives New Zealand
Glossary Definitions Full List [Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Higher Archivist
Uses of University Archives [Online].
Available: https://sites/
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Limara Salt, Ideas Tap. 27 September, 2013
Filmmaker John Akomfrah on working with archives. [Online]
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Ontario Ministry of Government
A Guide to Understanding Archives: Who uses archives and why?[ Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Peter Van Garderen, Archivematica
Archival Materials: A Practical Defintion [Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
What are archives and records? [Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]
The National Archives
Why Visit the National Archives? [Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]
Stock Footage [Online].
[Accessed April 19 2014]